Lyrics Unlimited will create the perfect custom song, poem, toast, tribute, or speech, for your roast, birthday, wedding, corporate event, shower, anniversary, reunion, proposal, graduation, retirement, celebration, party, rehearsal, or testimonial. Framed, printed lyrics are available, as are pre-recorded performances.
Lyrics Unlimited

(844) 389-9756

Hours of Operation
24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week


Sample Examples


Tune: "That'll Be the Day" - Buddy Holly

Well, you're givin' a toast, the deadline is near
Oh, you're givin' a toast, for someone who's dear
Yes, you're givin' a toast, you must get in gear
You're givin' a toast - don't worry, help's near.

There will be a big crowd, so mind what you say
And you want to feel proud, and say something gay
You can hope words will come, or sit back and pray
Or pick up the phone - call us right away.

Tune: "Oh What a Night" - Marvin Junior

Oh what a night
You must give a toast that's smooth, but light
You're prepared - oh well, in truth, not quite
Don't despair - there's help in sight.

Soon is the night
Days are passing and you feel uptight
Breathe a sigh - we'll help your words take flight
Don't waste time - call us tonight.

Tune: "I Cain't Say No" - from "Oklahoma"

If you need help with what to say
Or some creative advice
To say things in a different way
Pick up the phone, don't think twice.

Whether the party's large or small
Whether you're friend, foe or host
There is a resource you can call
To help you out with a toast.

If you're pressed and time is running out
Or toasting is just something that you dread
Don't despair, don't swear, don't sigh or pout
Relax, pick up the phone, and clear your head.

Lyrics Unlimited is there
Twenty-four hours a day
We'll craft a toast with speed and flair
Don't wait - please call us today!

Tune: "Blue Moon" - Richard Rodgers

If it's June
And you want words for a tune
To send someone to the moon
Please call us - and do it soon.

Whether birthday or rehearsal dinner
Graduation, reunion or roast
Whether practiced or you're a beginner
We'll-help-you-give the party's best toast.

Don't delay
We're pro's at just how to say
Things in a creative way
Please call us - do it today.

Limerick Verse - Lyrics Unlimited

There once was a quite well-known host
Quite unequaled in giving a toast
No one knew it of course
But this host has a source
Though he wrote all his toasts he would boast.