Lyrics Unlimited will create the perfect custom song, poem, toast, tribute, or speech, for your roast, birthday, wedding, corporate event, shower, anniversary, reunion, proposal, graduation, retirement, celebration, party, rehearsal, or testimonial. Framed, printed lyrics are available, as are pre-recorded performances.
Lyrics Unlimited

(844) 389-9756

Hours of Operation
24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week


What Clients Say


Find reviews of Lyrics Unlimited and discover why our past clients love us so much! If you should have any questions, feel free to call us.

"For our 10th anniversary Marcia composed a toast to the tune of 'Everything's Comin' Up Roses,' one of my wife's favorite songs. I don't have a great voice, but the words were great and the sentiments right on. My wife loved it."
- P. Kirkpatrick (Ashland, OR)

"Whenever we have a company event we call Marcia. She's written poems, songs, limericks, roasts, toasts and tributes. She even wrote a company theme song which everyone sang at our annual executive retreat."
- Molly & Giles Richard, Manchester Associates

"I've used Lyrics Unlimited for many occasions and parties when I've has to give a toast - anniversaries, birthdays, fundraising dinners and even my son's bar mitzvah. Usually it's a big crowd and I'm in the spotlight. Marcia's not only created the words, but has helped me rehearse!"
- R. Gleason (Chicago, IL)

"Our son was getting married at Oxford College to an English girl. We wanted to give a family toast at the rehearsal dinner. Marcia composed a medley of songs to music from My Fair Lady. We sang five songs about the bride, the groom, the engagement and the wedding. It was a great hit and we all had a terrific time!"
- C. Bettag (Washington, DC)

"For my parents' 60th anniversary, Marcia wrote a toast to 'Sentimental Journey.' My brothers and I, together with our wives, sang the song at the big party and brought the house down. It was great fun rehearsing, and my parents were overwhelmed. I don't know anyone else who does this."
- M. Baldwin (Marion, MA)

"If you give her a reason, she'll give you a rhyme - in no time! I have a party planning business and have referred many clients to her."
- Jonathan Floyd, Party Productions

"For my best friend's gala 50th birthday party in Newport Marcia wrote a toast to the tune of 'It's De-Lovely.' I arranged for the band's singer to sing it for me. It was the hit of the evening and everyone wanted a copy. Even the band leader wanted Marcia's number!"
- F. Corbin (Chicago, IL)

"For my father's 75th birthday we wanted a toast the whole family could give together. We called Marcia. We picked the song, she personalized the lyrics. She wrote verses for each of our families (five families, including 8 grandchildren) and a grand finale that we all sang together. It was an evening my father will never forget and we'll always treasure."
- A. Knight (Chevy Chase, MD)

"Marcia is creative, clever and a real whiz. I spent fifteen minutes with her on the phone giving her numerous anecdotes and background on my father. I wanted a toast for his retirement party. She created a poem that was funny, fact-filled and very touching. It was fun to read, I got a standing ovation and my mother cried. I had it framed and it now hangs in my father's den."
- C. Mozdean (New Canaan, CT)

"I asked friends, searched for books and surfed the net for help with a toast. Then I found Lyrics Unlimited. Marcia's been my ghostwriter for years."
- Anonymous (Los Angeles, CA)